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Mind, body and brain
How modern psychotechnology helps to improve the effectiveness of training.
We can memorize movements, gradually turning them into reflexes and work with the internal state of being. Most of the trainings are dedicated to this very thing - to learn how to react in a certain way and bring it into automatism.
The movement and condition
of the foundation of martial arts.
Incorrectly memorized movement;
Internal unwillingness to apply skills entirely during the training combat;
Inability to turn on aggression mode and mobilize the body entirely, "to explode";
Binding emotions and behavioral patterns, such as fear.
A student may encounter following obstacles:
Incorrectly memorized movement
A very common situation (it is described in the book "System AGIM" in detail), when an athlete accidentally, or due to the injury or an error, learned the wrong movement. Wrong stance, for example. It is familiar to many, if not for yourself, then with the training mates. It is strange, indeed, to observe how people have stood in the wrong stances for years. The coach corrects them but they usually still go astray.
What to do about it?
There are two different approaches: behavioral and self-hypnosis. It is better to combine them.
Choose the only 1 thing to work on for several workouts. For our example, this would be a stance.
Behavioral approach
Stop scolding (and scolding yourself) for any mistakes in this direction.
Start praising for any progress (you may read more about behavioral technology in the book "Don't Shoot the Dog!" by Karen Pryor).
The point is that the mind notes any emotional emphasis and by shifting the focus to positive changes you will get a good dynamics as a result. During improvement process, you need to praise for all positive changes. The student should place his/her focus of attention for the ONLY one thing that is going to be improved. To improve several things at once in such a paradigm will be ineffective.
Please enter into the state of self-hypnosis by using any method convenient for you or ask someone to put you into hypnosis. Imagine that you are doing the problematic movement over and over in your mind. In our case it would be stance, for example, and various small movements that it is consists of.
Imagine both "in the first person view" and "from aside".
Rejoice with Every successful "attempt".
How to combine both behavioral and self-hypnosis approaches? In the state of self-hypnosis, you learn the correct behavior, and during training you should fix it with emotions, as described. Usually 2-3 cycles are enough to retrain completely and fix the technique.
Feel how the muscles respond weakly in such visualizations.
Make sure that there is enough space around and then do the same movements with closed and open eyes. Focus on your internal images and remain in self-hypnosis state.
The deeper level of hypnosis - the faster retraining will be
If possible, recreate the trouble situation in a safe environment. Catch the moment at which the problem begins.
Internal unwillingness to apply skills
Most likely, you will be able to fix some thought in your mind or maybe you will have some feeling (fear, guilt, etc.) or feel resistance in the body.
Do some attempts and describe as much in details as possible what exactly is happening to you. Say it aloud or put on paper.
If something is interrupting you, then use any method of psychotherapy (or visit the therapist with a specific request) to remove this block. Alternatively, try self-hypnosis approach described above. Work with the situation several times in self-hypnosis state of being and accept your resistance and unwillingness. Take it into account, but not succumb. It is good method, because it does not require psychotherapy. But it is palliative and therefore it is not suitable for everyone and requires further reinforcement. By the way, just recognizing your fear or thought is enough to "let it go" sometimes.

If something is missing for you ... we'll move on to the next point.
There are two options here - something is interrupting you or something is missing for you.
Not everyone can "explode" at the right time. To pour yourself with adrenaline, to mobilize, to give all strength for the victory. The easiest way to start the desired state is to enter into self-hypnosis state and:
Inability to enable aggression fully
Remember the moment in life in when you experienced the most similar state. Imagine it several times and pump yourself up with emotions.
Associate this state with a code word.
At this point, many of you may have a question: "Hum, ok, author, but how do I get into the state of self-hypnosis?" Well, the easiest way is to simply learn it at any book / teaching methodology. You may ask me directly via social networks. In addition, many of you must have meditated. The meditation is a superficial level of self-hypnosis.

You may force yourself to believe that your thought is "more important" than the body and automatically get into the state of self-hypnosis just by careful concentration on bodily signals. You may test these technologies even with conscious imagination right now. The most important thing here is concentration. Yes, with deep hypnosis state, your progress will be faster, but you may get the first (and quite significant) results simply by concentrating on internal images.
It is extremely important to get used to the code word and use it regularly. It should become an integral part of your training routine and combat.
Verify that the code word is amplifies the required state and quit self-hypnosis state.
Say a code word to yourself with the intention of enter a required state - check that the code word is working.
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